My main focus has been the phenomenology and discourse of relationships at work. 

The juxtaposition of self and other, of vulnerability and demand, of victim and perpetrator, and of coachee and coach – these seemingly innocuous dualities are the stuff I grapple with.

A large part of my work has been investigating bullying at work, and I organized one of the first international conferences on the topic.  I have edited special issues in this field, and have contributed to numerous books, conferences and professional talks to industry and the general public.  I organized two landmark ESRC-funded Seminar Series (, and have conducted a funded (£22,000) pan-ASEAN study on bullying and negative acts at work, in partnership with Sasin, Graduate Institute of Chulalongkorn, Bangkok, where I am a Visiting Professor.

Having spent nearly two decades looking at the destructive side of relationships in organizational contexts, I balance this with mobilizing helping relationships.  I have been a coach long before it was fashionable, and have now launched a new Postgraduate Certificate in Coaching.

Other funded work has included work on morale for the Royal Air Force (£12,000); culture at AOL Time Warner (£80,000); community networks at Haringey (£12,000); and a mentoring evaluation framework for The Mentoring Foundation (£6,000).