I am the Programme Director of the PG Cert Coaching.

I contribute some lectures in Qualitative Research for all the MSc Programmes at the Department.

I deliver the first- ever lecture Undergraduate Students get when they join us for the BSc Business Psychology, where I introduce them to the various fields of psychology and how these apply to the world of work.

Past Teaching and Administration

For over ten years, I taught Understanding and Changing Organizations (formerly Organizational Analysis) to the MSc Occupational Psychology and Organizational Behaviour cohorts, and later also to the MSc Medical Leadership at the Royal College of Physicians.

I have been Course Director for the MSc Programmes Occupational PsychologyOrganizational Behaviour, Career Management and Counselling, and Medical Leadership.

Between 2009-2012, I was Assistant Dean of the School, initially with a portfolio of External Relations, later as Head of Department. Have a look at an Alec Rodger Memorial Lecture from that time.

I also established Business Week, set up the Ronald Tress Memorial Lecture.

Yildiz Betez

Partner at Thackray Williams Solicitors

“Andreas was invited by Law South to highlight the importance of Leadership qualities for Partner succession. Andreas provided an inspirational and in-depth perspective on how the new generation of Leaders should be chosen for the challenges ahead”.